Personal branding: What does your Zoom background say about you?


As a personal stylist, and 5th generation expert in the fashion and clothing business, I have seen an amazing resurgence in business professionals who are taking life-changing steps to become their “personal best” and elevate their personal brand. With so many meetings done virtually on Zoom or other apps, it’s even more important to be [...]

Personal branding: What does your Zoom background say about you?2022-11-23T13:46:50+08:00

5 Ways to Optimize Video for Zoom Depositions


This article originally appeared in the spring issue of the California Litigation Journal.   As Zoom trials and depositions continue to be conducted online during Covid and beyond, it’s critical to control how you, and everyone involved in the case, show up. Whether it’s you, your client, your deponents, or expert witnesses, each must come [...]

5 Ways to Optimize Video for Zoom Depositions2022-03-22T12:24:03+08:00
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